Karma Nirvana Roadshow - Forced Marriage
29th June 2016
On the 14th June 2016 a few of us attended the Karma Nirvana Road show in Bradford.
29th June 2016
On the 14th June 2016 a few of us attended the Karma Nirvana Road show in Bradford.
18th November 2015
In September 2015 our Keighley Will Writer Lindsey Johnson from Wills@Williscroft teamed up with Sue Ryder - Manorlands to raise funds for them. In total Lindsey was successful in raising £3250 in legacies, a gift of a 'remainder of estate', and donations
6th November 2015
Notice: June Kelly has retired from the partnership as from 31st October 2015 Lindsey Johnson, Lucy Cohen & Stephanie Adams remain partners trading as “Williscroft & Co”
16th October 2015
This week I attended the 'Full of Life' event in Silsden organised by Bradford Council.
15th October 2015
Safeguarding week is due to take place in Bradford from the 19th to 23rd October.
17th November 2014
The Goverment have been keen to promote the use of mediation in family matters and also to achieve a higher usage of the Legal Aid budget for Family Mediation.
18th June 2013
Separating from the person who you thought would be your life-partner is often stressful. In the current climate of cut backs and austerity measures, the anxiety you feel is heightened by thoughts of how you can afford legal advice to guide you through the issues at hand.
2nd May 2013
In April 2013 the Legal Aid cuts kicked in. On the same date we expanded by opening an office in Keighley after seeing an increasing number of people coming from the area seeking help.
1st February 2013
From the 1st April 2013 the availability of Legal Aid will be greatly reduced and it will only be available for the following types of cases:
7th September 2012
A ministerial working group are to consider a change in the law concerning arrangements for children on the separation of their parents. The announced proposals include a presumption of shared care.
Williscroft & Co is the trading name of Williscroft Solicitors Limited which is registered in England and Wales with registration number 13088912.
Contracted with the Legal Aid Agency. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Reg.No. 816456.
All content © 2025 Williscroft & Co. All Rights Reserved. Website by Simon Pighills.