
Williscroft are specialists in family law and our Divorce Solicitors in Bradford and Keighley can help you try and get a Cheap Divorce and save the emotional and monetary costs where possible.

The mechanics of obtaining a divorce nowadays are usually quite straightforward – particularly if the couple agree that the marriage is over.  The difficulties tend to lie rather in resolving the related practical issues stemming from divorce such as how to separate, where to live, arrangements for the children and any money matters. These areas can be discussed in confidence with one of our Divorce Solicitors in Bradford and Keighley.

Your attention will probably be concentrated on those related issues and the process of actually obtaining the divorce may seem blurred.  The purpose of this leaflet is to outline a broad framework of the divorce process, to highlight key points and to set out the sort of timetable to expect for more information contact one of our Divorce Solicitors in Bradford and Keighley.

Who can start divorce proceedings?

Anyone who has been married for over a year provided one or other of the couple is either domiciled here or has been resident in England or Wales during the preceding year.  It does not matter where the couple were married.

On what grounds can a divorce petition be started?

There is only one ground for divorce which is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. This is referred to as a "no fault" divorce. 

What does the Petition actually look like?

Every application follows the same form and is now completed online.  It contains basic information about names, addresses, and a statement that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.  

The application include a section (known as a “prayer”) which will include a request for the divorce to be granted.  It may also include a request for an order relating to children: a claim regarding costs of the divorce; and an order for financial provision.

What about the children?

The court does not consider the arrangements for children in the divorce process. If parents cannot reach an agreement then they should consider attending mediation and/or obtaining legal advice. 

How much does the divorce cost?

This depends on the finances of each party to the divorce.   Those who are unemployed or on a low income may be eligible for advice under the Legal Aid Scheme, however, this is subject to having prescribed evidence of domestic abuse.    Those who are ineligible for legal aid should ask his/her own solicitor for an estimate of the likely costs, at Williscroft and Co this work is completed on a fixed fee.  Solicitors are obliged to provide an estimate of their costs at the beginning of the case. Our Divorce Solicitors in Bradford and Keighley will strive to help you get a Cheap Divorce.

Are financial issues dealt with before the divorce is finalised?

It is not necessary for financial discussions to be completed by the time the divorce is final.  Frequently they will still be in the early stages if finances are complicated.  However, it should at least be possible to resolve immediate problems and make temporary maintenance arrangements.

Are the proceedings public?

Court proceedings in family law are usually private.  This means that the public and press are not allowed access to the court papers.  However, the press are able to publish the fact that a divorce has been pronounced.  The information that they may disclose is very limited.  They may disclose the “facts” of the divorce but they are not able to publish details of the adultery or unreasonable behaviour. 

Call Williscroft and Co to speak to one of our Bradford Divorce Solicitors on 01274 305380, our Keighley Divorce Solicitors on 01535 600973 or email us.

Williscroft & Co is the trading name of Williscroft Solicitors Limited which is registered in England and Wales with registration number 13088912.

Contracted with the Legal Aid Agency. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Reg.No. 816456.

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