One week into lockdown...

30th March 2020

It is now one week since we entered into lockdown. Last Monday evening we received the news that there should be no unnecessary travel and everyone should work from home where possible. We already had all of our lawyers working at home and within a day we successfully rolled this out to the rest of the staff. We are now working with skeleton staff in the office, taking the phone calls and managing the post so our service should not be affected by this change. Our staff have been truly amazing in adjusting to the changes and have pulled together to support each other. 

We are now able to take on new clients with the first appointment by telephone or Skype. We are fully conversant with the changes to how the courts are working and the relaxation of some rules by the Legal Aid Agency to make sure that our clients are able to access legal aid despite not being able to leave the house. Our emergency service is still going strong.

If you have any feedback on how we are working in this new world please let us know.

Lucy Cohen


Williscroft & Co is the trading name of Williscroft Solicitors Limited which is registered in England and Wales with registration number 13088912.

Contracted with the Legal Aid Agency. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Reg.No. 816456.

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