Electronic Tagging for Domestic Abusers’ Leaving Prison

8th September 2023

Earlier this month, the government announced the launch of a new scheme which would require domestic abusers leaving prison to wear electronic monitoring tags. The Guardian reports that this is expected to "offer better protection to victims".

The Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk, said: "The tagging of prison leavers at risk of committing further domestic abuse is a further protection we are introducing to help victims rebuild their lives and feel safe in their communities."

Williscroft & Co. house a team of seasoned lawyers that are domestic abuse specialists. We are at the forefront of ensuring that all survivors of domestic abuse receive the best representation in order to secure a peaceful and safe future for them.

We are often consulted by survivors of domestic abuse when they have found out that the perpetrator is about to be released from prison. Their concerns are usually about whether they have protection so that they will not contacted by their ex partner, that their children will be safe, and questions of how can they be protected from further abuse.

The use of electronic tags in these cases can only be welcomed. For our clients to know that their ex partner’s whereabouts are being monitored will be some reassurance. However, the effectiveness of these measures will depend on the police acting swiftly where there is a breach of a licence or restraining order. Unfortunately, all too often we are informed that this is not happening, leaving a family continuing to live in fear.

If you are in fear of your ex-partner being released from prison, it is always a good idea to seek legal advice from one of our domestic abuse specialists. This can be by phone, video call, or in person.

Would you like to know more about this? Read The Guardian's article: https://shorturl.at/dpxDH


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